Fall semester 2020 - Events

During the fall semester 2020 the teaching for practicum III students was performed along the same approach as during the previous fall semesters, apart from the following two items:

  1. The lectures about the lab and related topics and the events in the lab were replaced by zoom lectures using slides and videos from the presentation and publication external page https://dx.doi.org/10.3929/ethz-a-010817148 as well as videos and pictures from other synthesis experiments.
  2. After the zoom lectures each group of students created a PowerPoint presentation about the lab, oxides, synthesis of melt-grown crystalline oxides by a mirror furnace, (raw) materials and resources on earth, and / or related topics. Subsequently each group of students and Frank Lichtenberg met again via zoom - date by appointment - and the students gave a talk by using their created PowerPoint presentation. Required or suggested modifications and questions were discussed. The presentations from the students were not revised to the extent that they are suitable for publication. Therefore there are no published presentations from fall semester 2020.

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