Prof. Nicola Spaldin was being awarded the Körber Prize, Updates
The Körber Prize on YouTube, podcast and other media.
Marc Roland Petitmermet
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- In celebration of the award, the external page Körber-Stiftung produced the video "Prof. Nicola Spaldin: Winner of the Körber European Science Prize 2015". YouTube: external page English, external page German
- external page Bayern 2 Radio has an interesting contribution about the Körber Prize in the Radio Broadcast "IQ - Wissenschaft und Forschung". Bayern 2: Podcast (about 11:34 minutes in, German only, not available anymore)
- Spektrum: external page Multiferroika: Kristalle mit Multitalent (German only)
- St. Galler Tagblatt: Download Spaldin überlistet die Atome (PDF, 3.2 MB). (German only)