Nicola Spaldin's talk at the 2017 WORLD.MINDS Annual Symposium
New Materials for a New Age Get aquainted with novel uses of a new breed of designer materials, brought forth by Nicola Spaldin, Professor at ETH in Zurich, Switzerland. Follow her argument that civilization always correlates with a specific set of materials and that progress is only possible through the development of new materials.
Nicola Spaldin receives the 2017 Mid-Career Researcher Award

The Materials Research Society has chosen Prof. Nicola Spaldin, Head of the Materials Theory group at ETH Zurich, to receive the Mid-Career Researcher Award for "her new theoretical framework describing multiferroics and service to the materials community".
Lise-Meitner-Lecture "New Materials for a New Age" by Nicola Spaldin

Nicola Spaldin, Professor of Materials Theory at ETH Zurich, gives a Lise Meitner Lecture on Monday 13 November 2017 in the Vienna Physics Colloquium series.
Best Use of ARCHER Competition Winners

We are delighted that Dr. Chiara Gattinoni is amongst the winners of the EPSRC Best Use of ARCHER competition, which was run by EPCC on behalf of ARCHER.
MIT Technology Review

Read the article of How Materials Science Will Determine the Future of Human Civilization. If Moore’s law continues, electronic devices will consume more than half the world’s energy budget within 20 years. To prevent that, we need a fundamentally new material. Emerging Technology from the arXiv, published on August 16, 2017.