Veronica Michel receives the ETH Medal for her outstanding Master's thesis

We are very pleased to announce that Veronica Michel receives this award for her Master's thesis "Interplay between Ferroelectricity and Metallicity in BaTiO3".
Marek Matas receives the Josef Hlavka Prize

The Josef Hlavka prize is awarded to young researchers that have shown exceptional abilities and creativity in their field of science.
CSCS published an article about materials theorist Chiara Gattinoni

Chiara Gattinoni, a materials theorist and Marie Curie Fellow at ETH Zurich, uses the “Piz Daint” supercomputer at CSCS to investigate a special class of materials: ferroelectrics. In the future, these materials could constitute the heart of low-energy-consuming, miniaturised data storage in electrical devices. One ferroelectric Gattinoni analysed is, according to her, truly magical.
Nicola Spaldin receives the 2021 IUPAP Magnetism Award and Néel Medal

Nicola Spaldin receives the Award and Medal for pioneering contributions to the fundamental and applied science of magnetic and ferroelectric materials, particularly multiferroics.
Nicola Spaldin amongst the newly elected individual SATW members 2021

The Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences SATW has taken on 14 full individual members. These people have a considerable track record in technical sciences.