Melt-grown oxides: A data and image recording, processing, and visualization system for the floating zone method

Creation date 15 July 2021

visualization system cyberstar mirror furnace

This paper and report in form of a presentation comprises 114 slides or pages, 8 videos, many pictures, and a content overview. It is published by the library of the ETH Zurich / ETH Research Collection via doi 10.3929/ethz-b-000493880:

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The link provides the following download options: (A) Paper as change-protected pdf presentation without running videos. (B) Paper as change-protected ppsx type PowerPoint Show with embedded videos and links. Please note: If you open or start the downloaded ppsx type file and a window for entering a password appears, then you do not have to enter a password but click on Read Only. (C) 6 of the 8 videos which are embedded in the ppsx type PowerPoint Show are available as separate avi type files.

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