Fall semester 2018 – Events, dates, and presentations from students about the lab and related topics
Last update 19 December 2018
Title of the events in German / English:
Herstellung von kristallinen Oxiden über die Schmelze mit einem Spiegelofen / Synthesis of crystalline oxides via the melt by a mirror furnace
Lecture about the lab, oxides, synthesis of melt-grown crystalline oxides by a mirror furnace, a glass-ceramic composite material and technical ceramics and examples of their usage, examples of crystal structures and melt-grown crystalline oxides, and (raw) materials and resources on earth
The lecture is performed by using slides from a presentation which can be downloaded from external page this page Guests are welcome!
Lab tour including a demonstration of the synthesis of a melt-grown crystalline oxide by a mirror furnace
On request: Guests are welcome!
Each group of students creates a presentation about the lab, oxides, synthesis of melt-grown crystalline oxides by a mirror furnace, (raw) materials and resources on earth, and / or related topics. Subsequently each group of students and Frank Lichtenberg meet again - date by appointment - and the students give their presentation. Required or suggested modifications and questions are discussed.
Presentations from students about the lab and related topics

ppsx type PowerPoint presentation (in German) with embedded video from Nelly Natsch, Namita Prakash, Liliane Suter, and Anny Wang (group 3). Title: Herstellung von kristallinen Oxiden über die Schmelze mit einem Spiegelofen. Date of publication: 21 November 2018
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ppsx type PowerPoint presentation (in German) with embedded videos from Rabea Ganz, Ines Lanfranconi, Benjamin Mächler, Marco Rofner, and Anja Rusch (group 2). Title: Herstellung von kristallinen Oxiden über die Schmelze mit einem Spiegelofen. Date of publication: 21 November 2018

ppsx type PowerPoint presentation (in German) with embedded video from Pascal Fandré, Timo Gimmi, Michael Imhof, and Stefan Schären (group 7). Title: Herstellung von kristallinen Oxiden über die Schmelze in einem Spiegelofen. Date of publication: 28 November 2018
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ppsx type PowerPoint presentation with embedded video from Demetrios Laios, Katharina Lasinger, Tristan B. Sachsenweger, Remo Wespi, and Oliver Wipf (group 1). Title: Synthesis of crystalline oxides via the melt by a mirror furnace. Date of publication: 13 December 2018
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ppsx type PowerPoint presentation (in German) with embedded video from Pascal Diethelm, Cedric Kupferschmid, and Simon Hintermann (group 6). Title: Herstellung von kristallinen Oxiden über die Schmelze mit einem Spiegelofen. Date of publication: 19 December 2018.
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