Fall semester 2019 – Events, dates, and presentations from students about the lab and related topics

Last update 27 November 2019

Title of the events in German / English:

Herstellung von kristallinen Oxiden über die Schmelze mit einem Spiegelofen / Synthesis of crystalline oxides via the melt by a mirror furnace

Lecture about the lab, oxides, synthesis of melt-grown crystalline oxides by a mirror furnace, a glass-ceramic composite material and technical ceramics and examples of their usage, examples of crystal structures and melt-grown crystalline oxides, and (raw) materials and resources on earth

The lecture is performed by using slides from a presentation which can be downloaded from external page this page Guests are welcome!

Lab tour including a demonstration of the synthesis of a melt-grown crystalline oxide by a mirror furnace

On request: Guests are welcome!

Each group of students creates a presentation about the lab, oxides, synthesis of melt-grown crystalline oxides by a mirror furnace, (raw) materials and resources on earth, and / or related topics. Subsequently each group of students and Frank Lichtenberg meet again - date by appointment - and the students give their presentation. Required or suggested modifications and questions are discussed.

Presentations from students about the lab and related topics

Praktikum III Versuch Gruppe 2

ppsx type PowerPoint presentation (in German) with embedded videos from Anne Flechsig, Ursina Bucheli, Patricia Moll und Linard Räz (group 2). Title: Herstellung von kristallinen Oxiden über die Schmelze mit einem Spiegelofen. Date of publication: 12 November 2019.

Download Download this presentation as ppsx type PowerPoint show with embedded videos (PPSX, 61.7 MB)

Praktikum III HS19 (D-MATL) P10

ppsx type PowerPoint presentation (in German) with embedded video from Elijah Baumann, Oliver von Grünigen, Lennart Leonhard und Adrian Lochmann (group 1). Title: Herstellung von kristallinen Oxiden über die Schmelze mit einem Spiegelofen. Date of publication: 20 November 2019.

Download Download this presentation as ppsx type PowerPoint show with embedded video (PPSX, 49.5 MB)

Praktikum III HS 2019 Gruppe 6

ppsx type PowerPoint presentation (in German) with embedded video from Arthur Barras, Aaron Iten, Jakob Paulsen und Alex Seckler (group 6). Title: Herstellung von kristallinen Oxiden über die Schmelze mit einem Spiegelofen. Date of publication: 27 November 2019.

Download Download this presentation as ppsx type PowerPoint show with embedded video (PPSX, 39.9 MB)


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